The Car & The Girl

One night, a father and his daughter were driving down a deserted country road. They were returning home after spending the entire day visiting the girl’s mother in hospital. Listening to the sound of the rain drumming on the car roof, the girl began to doze off.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang. The father struggled with the steering wheel but the car skidded off the wet road and slammed into a stone wall.

After checking that his daughter was uninjured, the man got out of the car to survey the damage. Both of the front tires had large punctures and the right fender was crumpled against the wall. The rest of the car had survived unscathed.

“We must have driven over something on the road,” he explained to his daughter. “Whatever it was, it blew out both of the tires.”

“You can fix it, right?” asked his daughter, somewhat shaken by the accident.

“No,” replied her father, shaking his head. “I’ve only got one spare in the boot. I’ll have to walk back into town and find somebody to tow the car,” he said. “It isn’t that far from here. You wait in the car while I’m gone.”

“OK,” she said, reluctantly. “But please don’t take too long.”

The man could see in his daughter’s eyes that she was frightened.

“Sit tight,” replied her father as he he slammed the car door. “I’ll be back as soon as possible.”

His daughter watched him in the rear-view mirror as he trudged off down the road in the pouring rain and disappeared into the night.

More than an hour passed and her father stil had not returned. The girl began to wonder what was taking him so long. She was very worried because he should have been back by now.

Just then, she glanced in the rear-view mirror and saw a figure in the distance, walking towards the car. At first, she thought it was her father, but when she turned around to take a closer look, she realized that it was a strange man. He was dressed in overalls and had a big bushy beard. He was carrying something large in his left hand, swinging it back and forth.

Something about him made her very nervous. As he approached, she stared out the back window and squinted her eyes. In the dim light, she could just make out what he was clutching in his right hand. It was a big, sharp butcher’s knife.

Thinking quickly, the terrified girl locked both doors in the front of the car, then jumped into the back seat and locked the rear doors. When she looked up again, she saw that the strange man had stopped in his tracks and seemed to be staring directly at her.

Suddenly, the man raised his arm and the girl let out a blood-curdling scream. In his left hand, he was clutching her father’s severed head.

She just kept screaming and screaming. She couldn’t stop herself. Her heart was pounding and she struggled to breathe. The grotesque expression on her father’s face was horrifying to behold. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were rolled back in his head.

When the man reached the car, he shoved his face right up against the window and glowered at her with his crazed, bloodshot eyes. His hair was wild and matted with dirt. His face was covered in deep scars.

For a moment, he just stood there, in the driving rain, grinning at her like a madman. Then, he reached into his pocket, took something out and slowly lifted his left hand.

He was holding her father’s car keys.
A married couple, who had just
returned from their honeymoon, decided to buy a house. The couple were very happy because they managed to get the house at a very cheap price. It was in a nice neighborhood, close to the city and just a short walk from a shopping center.

One day, the husband was walking down the hall when he spotted a red crayon lying on the floor. The couple didn’t have any children, so the husband wondered where the crayon had come from.

“Perhaps the previous residents left it behind”, he said to himself as he casually threw it in the trash.

The next day, the husband came home from work to find another red crayon lying in exactly the same spot. He was very puzzled and decided to ask his wife about it.

The wife grew pale in the face when he brought it up. She told him that, every day since they first moved into the house, she had been finding red crayons when she was cleaning.

They were always lying in the same spot, at the end of the hallway.

The husband was standing in the hallway, wondering about this weird phenomenon, when he began to notice something was not quite right.

The hallway was too short.

He tapped on the wall at the end of the hallway and heard a hollow sound. Curious, he began peeling off the wallpaper, despite the protests of his wife.

Behind the wallpaper, they found a pair of sliding doors. It was as if someone had carefully hidden the entrance to a closet or a small room.

The husband discovered that the sliding doors had been nailed shut.
He got a hammer from his toolbox and began prying out the nails, one by one.

After pulling out the last nail, he slowly opened the sliding door to reveal the small hidden room.

Looking inside, they saw that the white walls of the little space were covered with words scribbled in red crayon.

Over and over again were the words:
“mommy im sorry let me out mommy im sorry let me out mommy im sorry let me out…”

Dark night,Car & The Rain

The man was standing on the side of the road, hitchhiking in the middle of a thunderstorm on a dark and moonless night. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly he saw the headlights of a car approaching over a nearby hill. The car was moving very slowly, approaching and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly and silently crept toward him and stopped.

Wanting a ride real bad, the guy jumped in the car and closed the door; only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the wheel, and no sound of the engine to be heard over the rain.

Again the car crept slowly forward and guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was approaching a sharp curve and, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray for his life, as he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into the river, and he would surely drown!

But just before the curve a shadowy figure appeared at the driver’s window and a ghostly hand reached in and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Then, just as silently, the hand disappeared through the window and the hitchhiker was alone again.

Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally the guy, scared to near death, had all he could take and jumped out of the car and ran to town.

Wet and in shock, he went into the nearest bar and told everybody about his supernatural experience. A silence enveloped the room and everybody got goosebumps when they realized the guy was telling the truth about the stange car and the ghostly hand that guided it on its way.

Just then, two men walked into the bar. They were dripping wet and as they took off their rain gear, they looked around the room. Their eyes came to rest on the hitchhiker.

“Look!” said one of the men, “There’s the idiot who jumped into our car when we were pushing it in the rain.”

Raining Heavily

Heavy rain pelted against the window of Alec’s beat-up car as he squinted against the gloom that was being feebly illuminated by the aged headlights. Muttering curses, he gripped the steering wheel and fumed at the fact that his boss had forced him to work late hours, causing him to have to drive home in the rain at night.

He hating driving in the rain. It only made the challenging drive along the narrow mountain road even more treacherous, but he’d done it before. And he’d do it again.

Suddenly Alec saw something that brought his car to a screeching stop on the slick road. There was a little girl, unusally pale and highlighted by the highbeams of the car, standing on the side of the road, just outside of the car lane. Overcoming his shock, he wheeled his car gently forward, rolling down his window to talk to the child.

“Hey! You gave me quite a shock! What are you doing out here in the middle of nowhere all by yourself?” Alec asked, trying to sound more cheery and good-natured than he felt.

“Waiting,” the girl replied, her voice low, and for an unidentifyable reason, slightly creepy.

“Waiting? For what?” Alec asked, confused.

“The bus,” she replied simply, as Alec leaned out the window and turned his gaze upward to realize that there was, in fact, a weather-beaten bus stop sign just a few feet from the girl. It was almost illegible due to rust and the paint peeling.

“I don’t think the bus runs here anymore. Do you live far from here? I could give you a ride,” Alec suggested.

The girl nodded, and wordlessly opened the door and climbed into the passenger seat. Alec started the car. They drove in silence for a few miles, when suddenly the girl broke the uncomfortable quiet.

“We’re not far from where I live now.”

Alec looked around.

“Are you sure? There aren’t any road signs or landmarks or stuff…” he trailed off.

“I’m sure,” she replied.

A few minutes later, after more silence, the girl spoke again.

“My stop is just ahead,” she said quietly.

“If you say so,” Alec muttered, uncertain as to whether or not they were going the right way.

Suddenly a bend in the road, leading to the right came into view in the distance.

“Turn left. My stop is to the left,” said the girl. Alec looked at her strangely.

“Kid, I don’t think you know your directions,” Alec said, eyeing the girl. “That turn goes to the right.”

“I know that. Turn left,” the girl said, a slightly angry tone creeping into her voice.

Alec turned his head fully towards her.

“I’m not turning left! Sorry, but you can’t possibly live down there, it’s nothing but a ravine!” Alec snapped.

The girl snapped her head around to face Alec, her face contorted in anger, and her previously ice-blue eyes were now a haunted purple.

“I said, TURN LEFT!” she screamed.

Suddenly, the steering wheel was wrenched out of Alec’s hands, sending the car careening through the guard rail and over the edge of the cliff.

As Alec lay dying in the mangled wreckage, he saw a second car at the bottom of the ravine. The bodies of a young girl and her parents were inside.

Tell The Horror

I live in Osaka, Japan and often use the subway to go to work in the morning. One day, when I was waiting for the train, I noticed a homeless man standing in a corner of the subway station, muttering to himself as people passed by. He was holding out a cup and seemed to be begging for spare change.

A fat woman passed by the homeless man and I distinctly heard him say, “Pig.”

Wow, I thought to myself. This homeless man is insulting people and he still expects them to give him money?

Then a tall businessman went by and the homeless guy muttered, “Human.”

Human? I couldn’t argue with that. Obviously, he was a human.

The next day, I arrived early at the subway station and had some time to kill, so I decided to stand close to the homeless man and listen to his strange mutterings.

A thin, haggard-looking man passed in front of him and I heard the homeless guy mutter, “Cow.”

Cow? I thought. The man was much too skinny to be a cow. He looked more like a turkey or a chicken to me.

A minute or so later, a fat man went by and the homeless man said, “Potato.”

Potato? I was under the impression that he called all fat people “Pig”.

That day, at work, I couldn’t stop thinking about the homeless man and his puzzling behavior. I kept trying to find some logic or pattern in what he was muttering.

Perhaps he has some kind of psychic ability, I thought. Maybe he knows what these people were in a previous life. In Japan, many people believe in reincarnation.

I observed the homeless man many times and began to think my theory was right. I often heard him calling people things like “Rabbit” or “Onion” or “Sheep” or “Tomato”.

One day, curiosity got the better of me and I decided to ask him what was going on.

As I walked up to him, he looked at me and said “Bread.”

I tossed some money into his cup and asked him if he had some kind of psychic ability.

The homeless man smiled and said, “Yes, indeed. I do have a psychic ability. It is an ability I obtained years ago. But it is not what you might expect. I can’t tell the future or read minds or anything like that.”

“Then what is your ability,” I asked eagerly.

“The ability is merely to know the last thing somebody ate,” he said.

I laughed because I realized he was right. He said “Bread”. The last thing I had eaten for breakfast that day was toast. I walked away shaking my head. Of all the psychic abilities someone could have, that one must be the most useless.

Did you notice the horror of this story?

What Are Ghosts

• Ghosts can feed off of your fear. (There are other entities that are not ghosts that wlil also feed from your lower vibration and fear energies.) NEVER show your fear to a ghost. Ghosts can feel your fear. They can take from that negative energy and grow from that. They can grow larger literally as well. It feels like they are taking your breath away. Ghosts can, also, take your breath away. This takes your energy away and gives them more energy. If this happens make sure you tell them to STOP and BACK AWAY NOW! When this happens, that entity is showing you that they aren't feeling powerful and are trying to draw on YOUR power. Don't let them! As I have said, whenever you feel powerless or whatever, you say whatever empowers you. Whatever makes you feel more in control and protected. Most may say the Lord's prayer. Some kind of chant that is strong and makes you feel strong. Surround the White Light of protection around you as often as you remember.
• No one, especially in death can control you! So if you are encountering a ghost that is being controlled by another ghost, they need to know that they are in control of themselves. They have the power. And that entity needs to know this in order to move on and continue with their soul development. They are allowing that other soul to control them. They need to stop this. Once he or she realizes that they are in control and no one can control them, then he or she will move on.
• This came from Echo Bodine's excellent book for helping Earthbound Children Souls: "When there are children ghosts in a house, we've found it works very well to ask one of the adult ghosts, often the one most resistant, to escort the children to the light and through to the other side. We tell the children to hold hands so that none of them wanders off as they make their way through the tunnel."
• Don't discourage your child in matters of the spirit. They are more sensitive to spirits than you are as an adult (usually). So if they are talking about talking to a spirit or talking to "nothing", then they more than likely are telling the truth. Same goes with animals. They sense at a higher level than we do. If they start acting up or acting weird, you know what's going on. A spirit is in the house.
• Ghosts may be stubborn and will stay until they feel they have been punished enough for whatever reason. They will move on when they are ready. So you may not be able to get rid of all of them. These ghosts have chosen to stay thinking they HAVE to be punished, when really they don't, they can move on whenever they like. 
• Some ghosts refuse to go on to the other side because they don't want to face another person who has passed on already. Like for example, if a person was molested by their father, or treated badly by a person, they will flat out refuse to move on to the other side. But all they need to do is ask their spirit guide when crossing over that they do NOT want to see that person. And they don't have to, for as long as they need. They don't know this and will insist that they will have to see them. But they are hurt from their life with that person. Just reassure them that it IS true. You do not have to see anyone you don't want to see on the Other Side.
• This one is very important. A Ghost that was an alcoholic or drug user (any addiction) when they were living will stick around and try to find a body to inhabit that is living with that same addiction as well. They jump into any body that is high, or whatever the flavor is of the Ghost, just to feel that high again. If you are an addict, surround that white light around you and ask God to protect you from these Ghosts, especially when intoxicated! Because of the Ghost inhabiting your body to feel these highs, you may have an even harder time at kicking the habit because they will not want you to quit either.
• Sometimes I hear that some people have a ghost around them and are aware of this and want to keep them. It's sad because these are Soul's, not pets. They need to move on to the Other Side and continue perfecting their Soul. If they have low self esteem and are staying because one of us wants them to, then they feel loved and protected in a way. But they don't know any better. You really do need to try to tell these Ghosts to go on to the Other Side. Say it with CONVICTION. Again, do not speak of them for at least three days, or (rarely) they will think you miss them and come back again. Sometimes this is effective and sometimes it is not. If the ghost does not leave, then sometimes they need more time. Sometimes it was not a ghost at all and actually a guide trying to contact you. Use your intuition to be sure.
• Portals are openings from this world to the Spirit World. Ouija boards and séances, etc., will open these up. If you don't know what you're doing you will invite too many entities, that you may not be able to handle. Any entity can come in from these Portals. Good or bad. Ask for protection from God, the universe, however you feel comfortable in asking. Get a psychic in there if it gets way out of hand. Portals are very serious. If you continually think about ghosts, read about ghosts, do things that invite them into our world, etc., the more ghosts you will attract.
• Ghosts have no concept of time, as with the Other Side as well. They may be here for years, decades, etc. Make sure you tell them the truth about what year it is. That might wake them up to what they are doing, or not doing in their case. Tell them they need to move on to the Other Side.
• Usually a residual haunting or "imprint" happens from traumatic events, from civil wars to a mother looking for her baby. This could be the real spirits OR an "imprint". But things that keep happening over and over again are most likely "imprints" and not the actual ghost(s), as the actual spirit has moved on.
• Also "imprints" of emotions can happen as well. Like a curvey road that when you go by a certain area, it feels sad, you pass the area, and you are fine, that type of thing. Something sad happened, there and it made an "imprint".

But there are those times that you see a residual haunting. Of (using the same example) a mother looking for her baby, but she doesn't know she is dead (or she does) and continues to look for her baby. Goes through the same event over and over again. If you see this, try to help that soul find it's way. Tell them they will find what they are looking for on the Other Side where they belong.
Remember ghosts were once living breathing human beings. There is no need to fear them. Like curses they only have power over you if you allow it. Nothing has power over you unless you give it permission. And do note that not all ghosts are out to get you. Many of them, if not the majority, are just trying to connect with the living with what they know in their very foggy state. Many are in need of a little compassionate assistance to cross over. We do the best we can to help and that is enough.

Crying lonely Girl

Abby was sitting in her room one day when she heard someone crying soutside. She ran to the window and saw a small girl sitting on the curb, sobbing. She looked about seven years old.

Abby ran outside and asked what was the matter. The girl pointed to her tummy and complained, “I’m hungry.”

Abby felt bad for the girl and tried to cheer her up.

“What’s your name?” Abby asked.

“My name is Katie,” the small girl answered. Then she said she had to go home and help her mother. Abby said okay and went back to her house for dinner.

The next morning Katie was outside playing with a ball. Abby went outside to say hi. Katie was very happy to see her. Abby asked where she lived and the girl pointed down the road.

“Down there,” the girl said, “My mommy is going to have to go to someplace an hour away tomorrow and won’t be back until seven. She can’t find anyone to take care of me and make me dinner. Will you babysit for me?”

Abby agreed and Katie ran down the road to her house to tell her mom. Abby told her dad about Katie and he guessed she had just moved to the old house that had been for sale. Katie came back and met Abby’s parents. They thought she was adorable. Abby then brought up the subject about babysitting; her parents said of course she could.

The next day at about ten o’clock she rode down to Katie’s house. It was old and beat up. Abby knocked and Katie ran to open the door. They baked and played dress up till five when Katie said she had a surprise and it would take a few minutes to set up. Abby was told to wait in the guest bedroom until Katie said she could see. Abby heard Katie’s home phone ringing and Katie asked her to get it.

Abby answered the phone it was her dad.

“Abby get Out of that house!” he screamed. “I was watching the news and a serial killer who calls herself Katie escaped from the asylum. She is about 18, but small. In previous murders she has worn makeup to make her look about seven. She has brought kids to babysit her and EATEN them.”

Abby dropped the phone and ran downstairs to the back door. Katie was already there.

“Abby… I’m hungry,” she said quietly.

Katie brought a butcher knife from the kitchen and herded Abby toward the dining room. Abby saw the table was set for dinner. She turned and saw Katie glaring at her.

“I listened to the call,” said Katie. “Your dad has ruined everything.”

Abby saw the knife coming toward and never opened her eyes again. The police arrived about 10 minutes later. They found Katie sitting at the dinner table, quietly chewing on something that looked like steak.